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Buma Devi Breakfast

50% Arabica, 50% Robusta

This combination in right proportions – of Robusta and Arabica beans – gives perfect parity between starkly contrasting notes. The aroma has a real earthy feel consisting of honey, caramel, piercing spices and black grapes, balanced out with a deep dark-bold vibe. It has a strong and round body.

Certification: Organic + Fair Trade
Origin: Wayanad, Kerala
Elevation: 2500 – 3000 ft (750-900m) above sea level
Processing Method: Natural
Roast: Full City / Dark roast (227°C / 440 F MET)
Bitter notes of caramel and dark-chocolate emerge.
Grade: AB, PB


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Malabar Blues

50% Arabica, 50% Robusta

In short, this coffee is culture and tradition in a cup. It holds the fine aromas of raisins, caramel and traces of spice. Its chocolate notes are bold and the tinge of vanilla tops the whole experience. The coffee has a silky smooth, yet full body.

Cetification: UTZ
Origin: Coorg, Karnataka
Elevation: 2500-3000 ft (750 – 900 m) above sea level
Processing Method: Monsooned
Makes coffee smooth and mellow, India’s own specialty processing method.
Roast : dark-roast (225°C / 437 F MET)
Smooth dark chocolate bitters and some natural sweetness.
Grade: AA
Roaster’s note:

A coffee seed wrapped in leaf gold that will smack you out of your dreams in the morning, or whenever you need a kickstart.
If you believe you don’t like espresso, try this. It’ll change the way you think about espresso. Extra smooth & chocolaty extremely low in acidity. If it was chewable, we could sell it as cake.


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Old Kent Vienna

100% Arabica

As any excellent Dark Roast cup of coffee, this single-estate coffee has the common, bold, smoky notes. This goes hand in hand with the cacao highlights. It’s touch of uniqueness lies in the spiced tones that come as an always pleasant surprise.

Origin:  Coorg – Karnataka
Elevation:  (1000-1100m) above sea level
Processing Method:  Natural and Washed
Roast :  Vienna Roast
Cultivars: Arabica Indian Selection
Grade:  AA


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Kaveri Espresso

85% Arabica, 15% Robusta

Our Espresso Blend is composed of three different coffees, to produce a fragrant, sweet, aromatic, round bodied, and balanced cup. The quintessence of an Indian Espresso; complex notes of roasted nuts, caramel, warm spices, red fruits, and cacao.

Certification: Rainforest and UTZ
Origin: Pulney Hills, Tamil Nadu
Elevation: 2500-4000 ft (750 – 1200 m) above sea level
Processing Method: 70% fully washed; 30 % sun-dried / natural
Gives a mix of highlighting acidity, as well as the roundness and sweetness of sun-dried processing
Roast Level: City roast / Medium (217°C / 420 F MET)
Balances the acidity and flavour notes with the strong caramels from darker roasts
Cultivars: Indian Selection varieties
Grade: AA, AB, PB


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Malabar Monsoon

100% Arabica

This brew has a very unique fragrance due the “Monsooning” process. Mellow, soft and smooth body with hints of roasted malt and a winy finish.

Certification: UTZ
Origin: Coorg, Karnataka
Elevation: 2500-3000 ft (750 – 900 m) above sea level
Processing Method: Natural & Monsooned
Makes coffee smooth and mellow, India’s own specialty processing method.
Roast: New England / Light Roast (200°C / 392 F MET)
Puts the little acidity in Monsooned coffee forward to highlight the rare aromas.
Grade: AA


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